Crafts that unite, heal, and last 6-12 February at Livrustkammaren during Stockholm Design Week February 2023. The opening hours are Tuesday-Sunday: 11-17 and Thursday: 11-20. Guided tours every day between 12.00 -13.00 by Ludmila Christeseva.
6 February 17.00-19.00 – Inaguration
9 February 18.00-20.00 – Performance med Nefeli Oikonomou and documentary screening The other side of the sea, directed by Hsuan Yu Pan (USA/Taiwan).
10 February 13.00-15.00 – Guided presentation by the curator Ludmila Christeseva for students from Stockholm University with Louise Wallenberg.
11-12 February 11.00-17.00 – Crafts that unite, heal, and last. Crafts market. Explore the latest trends from crafts women from around the world. Weave a band for peace and freedom and get inspired for a better future.
12 February 12.00-13.00 Artist talk with Ludmila Christeseva and Louise Wallenberg (Stockholms University).
Press Release
Hantverk som enar, helar och håller.
Vad vore design utan hem, och vad vore hem utan kvinna?
Den 6 februari inviger Livrustkammaren Stockholms designveckan tillsammans med konstnären Ludmila Christeseva och välkomnar vuxna och barn att delta i en rad av inspirerande hantverksworkshoppar led av ukrainska kvinnor – Hantverk som enar, helar och håller. Vi designar och skapar tillsammans för ljusare framtid.
Det pågående kriget i Ukraina har medfört nya trender: i våras förenades svenska och ukrainska kvinnor i en serie av kreativa workshops och med återvunna textilier från svenska hem flätade de kamouflagenät för att rädda liv. Tillsammans fortsätter vi fläta för fred och frihet i Ukraina och i hela världen. Vår textila rörelse kallas Hantverk som enar, helar och håller. Tidigare utrikesminister Ann Linde deltog i vår workshop i våras. Kom du också; ta med dig gamla textilier fläta ihop dem med sorg och hopp av ukrainska kvinnor i ett textilt konstverk – HOME. Hantverket är det unika språk vi har för att dela med oss av våra erfarenheter av att vara kvinnor, systrar, mödrar och döttrar.
Crafts that unite, heal, and last.
What would design be without a home, and what would a home be without a woman?
On February 6, Livsrustkammaren will inaugurate Stockholm Design Week together with the artist Ludmila Christeseva. Crafts that unite, heal, and last is a series of craft workshops designed by Ukrainian women to bring people together on the way toward a brighter future.
The current war in Ukraine sets its own trends. This spring, Swedish and Ukrainian women joined together for a series of creative workshops and wove camouflage nets from recycled textiles from Swedish homes to save lives. The act of joint weaving unites people together for peace and freedom in Ukraine and in the world, at large.
This is why we have named this movement in the art of textiles ‘Crafts that Unite, Heal, and Last”. The former Minister of Foreign affairs, Ann Linde participated in our workshop this past spring. You are welcome to join our textile movement with your creativity. We intertwine recycled textiles from your home with the sorrow and hope of Ukrainian women in a textile art piece – Home. Crafts are the language for us women to share our unique experiences of being women, sisters, mothers, and daughters.