We are looking for diverse children, ages 6-15, to be the faces behind the characters in the upcoming animated film Apple Pie from Royal Apples.
This heartwarming tale celebrates tradition, sustainability, and community through the adventure of baking with royal apples. We want children of all backgrounds to help bring this story to life by sharing values of kindness, creativity, and diversity.
- Ages: 6-15 years old
- What we’re looking for: Expressive faces, joyful personalities, and a love for apples and juices
- How to apply: Submit your recent photo and a short story about yourself. Share your favorite apple pie recipe from your mother, grandmother, or another family member, and tell us why you enjoy it. What makes it special to you?
- Special opportunity: Selected participants will have their likeness used as reference for animated characters and will be honored contributors to a unique production dedicated to Queen of Sweden Silvia’s birthday in December.
Exciting Reward: Selected participants will not only have their likeness used as reference for animated characters, but will also receive a digital illustration by the film’s artist, inspired by their role in the story. Why not print postcards with this unique design to celebrate Christmas? This project is crafted as a collective climate-conscious act, while also honoring and celebrating Queen Silvia’s birthday in December.
Submission deadline: 2024-10-10
Email submissions to: ludmila@artten.se
Our letter to the Swedish King: Hans Majestät Konung Carl XVI Gustaf
Your Majesty King Carl XVI Gustaf,
We are writing to bring attention to this year’s harvest and propose a meaningful action that we believe can inspire many. We would be honored to gather apples from Your Majesty’s orchard to bake an apple pie using royal apples. In Sweden, only one out of ten apples is consumed, while the rest go to waste, despite ongoing discussions about climate change and environmental sustainability.
By picking apples from Your Majesty’s orchard, we hope to lead by example and encourage more Swedes to cherish their harvests and reduce food waste. As part of this initiative, we plan to bake apple pies using recipes from diverse cultures represented in Sweden during the Apple Festival at the Royal Djurgården, which will take place from September 25–29, 2024. Through this project, we aim not only to celebrate the bounty of the season but also to promote values of diversity and sustainability.
We are excited about the potential to create positive change with this initiative and sincerely hope for Your Majesty’s support.
With kind regards,
Ludmila Christeseva
Hans Majestät Konung Carl XVI Gustaf,
Vi skriver till Er för att uppmärksamma årets skörd och föreslå en symbolisk handling som kan inspirera många. Vi önskar samla in äpplen från Er Majestäts trädgård för att baka en äppelpaj med kungliga äpplen. I Sverige äts endast ett av tio äpplen, medan resten går till spillo, trots den pågående debatten om klimat och miljö.
Genom att plocka äpplen i Er Majestäts trädgård hoppas vi kunna föregå med gott exempel och uppmuntra fler svenskar att ta tillvara på sina skördar och minska matsvinnet. Vi planerar att baka äppelpajer med recept från olika kulturer representerade i Sverige under Äppelfest på Kungliga Djurgården, som äger rum den 25–29 september 2024. Med detta initiativ vill vi inte bara hylla skörden, utan även främja mångfald och hållbarhet.
Vi ser fram emot att bidra till en positiv förändring genom detta projekt och hoppas på Er Majestäts välvilliga stöd.
Med vänlig hälsning,
Ludmila Christeseva